Six's Babbling

Live & Love, and try to have fun doing it!

Friday, June 30, 2006

A Break...?

Well, I'm actually taking a week off so I won't be able to post
or check out everyone else's stuff for the next little while.

I know, like this will be a big difference on my page right...

Sorry everyone, I really do mean to write & have promised to do things
that I just haven't gotten around to (I will get those "S" s done...)

God, do I ever wish I had internet at home!!!

At least then I could post some more interesting stuff,
like when I'm pissed off it would give me a good outlet...
then again, with me that could be deadly!

You could all end up learning alot more than you intended to!
Like yesterday...

It was our Wedding Anniversary so we were going to spend it
just watching the football game on the tube with pizza
(I know that sounds boring, but the relaxation
would be quite the present to us both!)

Instead I am throwing up all over thanks to a bad lunch
& they black out the game in our area - assholes!

I was so bummed & am sure if I had internet you all would
have heard alot more about that!!!

Anyway, I do have to run...

The company is actually buying lunch today...

I just wanted everyone to know that I still love them
and haven't gotten into any trouble I can't get out of.

I will write again alot sooner, but not for at least a week...


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